December 1, 2008

Holding Strong

When I think of the phrase ‘holding strong’, I think of the ropes holding down a large tent in the wind, or a tree trying to stay rooted during a hurricane. During a storm, anything that is not securely tied or ‘rooted’ into the ground will be carried away by the wind and usually will end up wherever the wind decides to drop it!! The same is true for anyone in the midst of their own personal ‘storm’. If we are not truly grounded in what we believe, then when the storms of life come, we will be literally carried away by the wind and who knows where we will land!

I have experienced storms in my life, storms where I had to hang on to what I believe in my heart, what I was grounded in and I had to rely on the roots that were deeply imbedded within my heart to keep me from being blown away. It is very difficult in trauma, sudden storms and trials, to remain strong and not be carried away with panic, grief, worry…even pain.

Psalm 15:4 says, “Hold strong to your vows even when it is painful’.

That verse has given me so much strength in really difficult struggles in my life. It has reminded me what I wanted, what God wanted and I needed to hang on to my roots with everything that I had. When the storm was on me…there was no time to fret, but to just hang on and stand firm to the truth that I believed with all my heart.

Many of my friends and family are facing storms right now, some hurricane size stroms...personal, physical and financial! There are many times in our life that we wish God would just miraculously save us from harms way, but He knows what is best and knows when we need to learn to Hold Strong and when we just need a miracle. In order for us to ‘grow up’, God allows us to go through the storm, but He never leaves us alone….He may not instantly save us, but He definitely carries us through.

Interestingly enough…in Psalm 15 it goes on to say, those who do this ‘will not be destroyed’.

God is a God of reward. He is generous and will bless you way beyond what you could imagination when you are obedient to Him, especially when it is really hard.

1 comment:

Dave said...

What precious words of encouragement. I love that you love God that much. Also words of great wisdom. Thank you...Papadave